Powerful Call to Prayer Video

Copied from Prayercast.com recent call to pray. What a powerful video to remind us of the condition of our world and Jesus is our only hope. I encourage us to connect with Him and commit to praying for our students and the condition of our world we live in.

Take 6 minutes to watch this powerful video.


Across continents, time zones, and cultures this year’s events have emphasized humanity’s frailty, mortality, and hopelessness. 

We are…





But at the sound of a baby’s first cry, everything changed.

Because of Jesus we can now be…





Jesus, humanity’s Savior, is the FIRST Word and He will also have the LAST. 

His reign and rule have not changed in 2021. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. “His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed” (Daniel 7:14b).

In light of that glorious truth, let’s take some time to remember and celebrate together!

·    WATCH this powerful new video.

·    WORSHIP and celebrate that Jesus reigns!

·    INVITE your friends, families, and churches to join you this week in prayer for the nations.

“The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad!” (Psalm 97:1a)