Prayer Requests and Prayer Points

Here are prayer requests and prayer prompts to help you with your prayer. You may want to bookmark this page so when you do pray, you can reach it easily. Also, please share ISM related prayer requests by clicking “add prayer request.” All prayers are screened by the prayer team so it won’t show immediately but hopefully it will show less than a couple of hours after your submission. Also, let people know you are praying for them by clicking on the “Pray” button. Thanks all!

  • I have been asked to teach a class online for a group in Uganda—to help them see their vocations as the God-given spheres in which He purposes to make himself known to them ans to others . Lord, give us guidance on the best time for that class (10-hour time difference) and for format that is culturally appropriate and effective.
  • Please pray for one of my prayer partners and close friends who just lost their baby. She was 26 weeks pregnant. They have been giving her medication for the past 24 hours to induce labor, but there has been no success so far. Please pray for her health and that the medications will be effective so she can have a safe delivery. Pray that God will protect the mom and give strength to dad. Also, please pray for the decisions they have to make regarding what to do with the baby. They are so overwhelmed by this situation! Thank you for praying!
  • Pray for the ten students who attended an evangelistic conference on New Year's and heard about Christ. Pray that the non-believers will accept Jesus as their Savior!
  • 1. Equip international students ( Shalom , Jack, Sarah, Enrico ) to reach nations for Christ ! 2. Bill, my husband, and his 74 people team will be all safe and well to finish their 10km marathon tomorrow ( Jan 21) 3. Successful Support development and fund raise this year ! 4. Parents are well this year so I could travel for annual conference in USA in June ! All glory to God. Praise Him for all His blessings.
  • Tim Sigman - ISI Director of Prayer Initiatives - Awesome answer to prayer this week. Doyin who attended World Changers shared on our Zoom prayer call that she had an answer to prayer this week. She received her work permit. She now leads to get a job by the end of January. Let's pray with her for the timely provision of a job. Jesus you are a Way Maker. We ask you to make a way for our sister. Jesus we ask this in your mighty name, Amen!
  • 1. Prayer Movements with our groups gathering at homes, campus, restaurants, marketplace & church altars. We are crying out for Awakening & Revival in our City. Fe Campus-Church-Community. Our Prayer+Vision for this year is More in ‘24. To be a Channel of blessing 24/7 ⬅️✝️➡️ more of Jesus inside/out. 2. My wife Angie’s mom Linda in a Southeast MO battling cancer. Doctors told her this past Christmas could be her last here with us. Pray with us for an extension of life for many more years. 3. My long time friend & “Run for God” Coach group leader donated his kidney last Wed & they are both recovering. Pray all things work out. 4. Our New Bible Study group at Webster U. we are moving to a new night this new semester. Pray for R.A director Bethany Plants & husband Stephen as they lead 5. Bishal from Nepal Webster U just moved for a 3 month training in Fairfax VA then will be given a job in IT to stay here..he has kept from accepting our Lord to not dishonor his mom but under a lot of conviction to accept. Pray for connections in Fairfax VA & for his return to St.Louis in Spring to graduate. He needs help to process and get a green card now. 6. I need to get an extra vehicle-preferably a mini van or utility vehicle to haul equipment & students. 7.Pray for our Filipino students, alums & new to support for our work. That they would reach out to the Filipino restaurants & marketplace business to partner with our ministry. 8. Pray that God will use these International Students to bring the Next Great Awakening worldwide edition-all at the same time in 2024 ignited in the Heart of America St.Louis-KCMO to Ripple worldwide 9. To prep for 9000 New International Students at SLU- St.Louis Univ. 10. Pray for more workers, volunteers to come on norad with us. Pray we can put our ISI workers as students, staff, on campus starting in the international student office.
  • Pray for our director's sister to have the right mix of medication that would allow her to stay in the assisted living place where she has been longer. Intercede also for strength and wisdom for Carol and her family as they navigate this new season. Pray also for another one of our leaders who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Please him up for healing, for their family and children processing this, and that all he is going through would be a testimony. May nonbelieving students be pointed to God and believing students be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus. Praise God for his provision with our staff's increased capacity to serve this year. Intercede for spiritual protection and physical well-being for all of them and their families.
  • I ask for prayer for the Southern California Mobilization Working Day we are hosting next Saturday (Jan 27th)? We are gathering a few staff and volunteers from around the Southern California area, and taking a day to think about how we can mobilize better. We will be guiding them through some exercises that will hopefully result in an action plan that can be followed by the teams. We need magnitudes more people if we are to reach the students here, and I'm praying this will be a step towards a much needed expansion in our ministry.
  • Hip surgery scheduled Feb 13 - for no complications and for a final fix for years of pain. Praise God for a clear diagnosis!
  • Please join me in praying for A, an Ir*anian student who is finishing her PhD this semester. Yesterday she shared many worries & anxieties that she is facing right now. Pray that Jesus would reveal Himself to her in an undeniable way in the midst of this season of stress & anxiety. Pray for favor for her to find a job near Beaumont as she finishes her PhD or to lead her to a new community with believers who will love her well.
  • Prayer for God's provision to rent in nyc, need a place closer to city. Also, for God's direction and open doors for opportunities and right connections as I prepare to graduate this year. Prayer for deeper communion with God, for deeper study of God's word. And find prayer warriors/partners.
  • Please pray God's favor on ISI's Solomon & Ruby Kendagor who have been ministering in Kenya and Uganda on a 44 day mission trip teaching M-28, Discipleship, Leadership, & Marriage & Family Conferences. Today in Koitumo & Saturday in Makutano, Kenya. Journey Mercies home to St., Louis, Missouri January 23-24
  • Personal Prayer Request - Please pray for my dad as he recovers from a heart procedure that the Lord will heal his heart completely and will strengthen his muscles to have a full recovery. Please pray also for my mom and my sister as they joyfully take care for him. Thank you Lord for all your provisions along the way through the cardiologist, the physical therapist and the nutritionist. So grateful for how you have been using this time to strengthen our relationship as a family and with you even more. Thank you for the amazing way you have been bringing my dad closer to you every day 🤍 Please keep providing time for me to connect with my family at the distance and to be with them every day, even if it is a small amount of time I pray that you will use it meaningfully to feel united with each other. Thank you Lord for who you are, for the special and unique way you love us and and for the amazing ways you always provide! - I pray in the name of your beloved son, Jesus Christ, Amén!
  • Please pray for the new Bible study we will start tomorrow, Friday, that the Lord will keep students motivated through the semester and also available. Please pray God’s wisdom and guidance as I co-lead the study with one of volunteers.
  • Pray for God’s leading and direction for our director as she is trying to decide how to start a Discovery Bible Study about Jesus. This could possibly be through a regular home group time or a separate avenue entirely. Lift up our international believing students and staff who attended the World Changers Conference from Dec 28th-Jan 2nd. May they put into action what they learned, so that they can grow the kingdom and be a light for Jesus. Ask God to provide abundantly as home gorups are beginning again. Pray for volunteers to welcome the internationals as their own and love them as themselves—always remembering the Lord as God in everything that they do (Leviticus 1:34).